President, International Trade Alert, Inc.

John S. Zdanowicz, Ph.D. is the president of International Trade Alert, Inc.. He is an internationally known expert in the area of trade-based money laundering, terrorist financing, income tax evasion, import duty fraud, capital flight, and the analysis of international trade data.

Dr. John S. Zdanowicz is a Professor of Finance at Florida International University where he was also the Director of the Center for Banking and Financial Institutions and the Chairman of the Department of Finance. Dr. Zdanowicz was the Chairman of the Department of Finance and Economics at Rochester Institute of Technology. He earned his Ph.D. in finance from Michigan State University. Dr. Zdanowicz has had many years of consulting experience including consulting for U.S Customs, the U.S. Department of Justice on issues related to transfer pricing and money laundering, and the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment on the analysis of wire transfers. He was an instructor at the Financial Fraud Institute of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, U.S. Department of Treasury. His research interests include international price discrimination, money laundering, income tax and import duty evasion, terrorist financing, capital flight, and capital market efficiency. Dr. Zdanowicz is an internationally recognized expert on money laundering and terrorist financing through international trade flows.

He has presented his research on money laundering, terrorist financing, income tax evasion and capital flight at the: Unisys Global Payments Conference, Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime, U.S. Department of Treasury, American Express Anti-Money Laundering Conference, FINTRAC, Florida International Bankers Association, Cambridge University, University of Essex, University of Paris, Eastern Finance Association, Open Source Solutions Conference, American Bar Association, Federal Bureau of Investigation - Los Angeles Joint Drug Intelligence Group, Global Business and Technology Association, Decision Science Institute, National Drug Intelligence Center, International Trade and Finance Association, Multi-State Tax Commission, Korean Economic Association, Federation of Tax Administrators, Federal Reserve Bank, World Bank and the Brookings Institution. His research has been published in Accounting Forum, Applied Financial Economics, Journal of Financial Crime, Communications of the Association of Computing Machinery, Money Laundering Alert, Interfaces, International Trade Journal, Finance India, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Review of Financial Economics, Tax Management: Transfer Pricing Report, and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Zdanowicz and a colleague were recently awarded a $2 million research grant from the U.S. Treasury to study transfer pricing and money laundering issues.

International Trade Alert, Inc. was created to provide international trade data analysis to U.S. government agencies, international agencies, foreign governments, and private sector firms.


Dr. Zdanowicz and International Trade Alert, Inc. have engaged in conducting training seminars, consulting projects, product analysis, country trade analysis, expert witness analysis, international trade analysis, and abnormal pricing analysis for the following organizations:
  • Alert Global Media
  • American Welding Society
  • Applied Real Estate Analysis
  • Baker & McKenzie, Attorneys at Law
  • Center for International Business, Education and Research
  • Centra Technology, Inc.
  • Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Transnational Issues, Illicit Transactions Group
  • City of Miami, International Trade Board
  • Colombian Government Trade Bureau
  • Cordis Corporation
  • Dougherty James F., II, P.A., Attorney at Law
  • Financial Fraud Institute, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, U.S. Treasury
  • Freeman Lewis B., Attorney at Law
  • Hernandez Arturo V., P.A., Attorney at Law
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • International Bank of Miami
  • Joint Research Center - European Commission
  • LOBO Containers, Inc.
  • Manufacturers Export and Equity Group
  • Marinais, Inc.
  • Miami International Airport
  • Multistate Tax Commission
  • National Drug Intelligence Center, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Ocean Bank
  • Pacific National Bank
  • Small Business Development Center, Florida Atlantic University
  • Sullivan, Vlcek & Boyd, Attorneys at law
  • Summit of the Americas Center, Florida International University
  • Sun Sentinal Newspaper
  • Torpac, Inc.
  • United States Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia, U.S. Department of Justice
  • United States Attorney, Central District of California, U.S. Department of Justice
  • United States Customs Bureau, Atlanta
  • U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment
  • U.S. Latin Trade Magazine
  • United States Treasury Department, Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • Wells Fargo Bank


    International Trade Alert, Inc. has affiliations with consultants with expertise in various aspects of international trade such as: Transfer Pricing, Political Risk Analysis, Value-At Risk Analysis, Economic Forecasting, Customs Operations, Computer Systems Integration, International Law, International Trade Policies and Treaties, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Contact International Trade Alert, Inc., for information regarding specialized international trade analysis and consulting projects.

    Copyright © International Trade Alert, Inc.